Aritra Bhattacharyya Apps

Onix Music Player - Free 1.2.5
Presenting the best and powerful materialdesign music player, MP3 player and music video player withEqualizer, Lyrics and Tag editor and Album art downloader.The audioplayer supports mp3, m4a, flacc, wav and lots more. Equalizer - 5bands, Edit tags, Download Album art, Browse and EDIT LYRICS.Search music videos. Create, edit and delete playlists. Play bygenre, artists, albums and folders. Stream hundreds latest and mosttrending music videos from all over the world, Pop, Rock, R&B,EDM, Bollywood and lots more..KEY FEATURES# 5 band Equalizer with Virtualizer and Bass Boost to enhance musicplayback# Material design# Album art downloader# Organize and play your music/audio files by Albums, Genres,Artists and Music Folders.# Watch and play hundreds of HOTTEST & most TRENDING Musicvideos from all over the world# Edit TAGS, browse and edit LYRICS, and ALBUM Covers# Create, edit and manage Playlists.# Search for music videos of your favorite songs directly with thisapp.# Download artist images and biography from LAST.FM# Mark songs, albums and artists as your Favorites# Flexibility to users to enable or disable features, choose amongseveral gorgeous skins and themes# Smooth and unmatched design# Gapless music playback# Auto playlists based on your most played and recently playedsongs and music albums# Artist Biographies along with social media profiles. No othermusic player out there offers this feature# Stay tuned for more...The music Player supports all popular audio formats like mp3,wav, ogg, flacc, m4a, etc. As its in Beta, We shall continue to addmore features to the audio player on the run. Planned featuresinclude widgets, better lockscreen control, improved tag-editor,better album art downloader, cross-fading and many more.Please support our efforts as we tirelessly continue to improveand add new features. We are constantly monitoring crashes or bugswith inbuilt analytics packages as well as through manual testing.In case of any crash or glitch, please allow us a chance to fixthem before uninstalling or giving us a poor review. Pleaseunderstand that we are entirely dependent on your support tocontinue with the development of this awesome Music Playerapplication.We can guarantee you this shall prove to be the best free musicplayer that you might have come acrossPlease contact the developers in case of any issue or complaintsor [email protected] cover arts and Artist images used in the screenshots havebeen sourced from Last.FM. I do not own any of the images, exceptfor some of the icons that were personally designed by me.SCREENSHOT image sources:Album art image sources: image source : using API)